• How We Help

    For centuries, ancient Chinese Medical literature has outlined strategies for the conditions that affect men the most. Using herbs, acupuncture, and supplements, we treat a wide range of urological complaints from prostate health to ED. Low sperm count, poor morphology, lowered libido, we’ve got options for you.

  • Libido and ED

    Libido and ED

    For centuries, Chinese Medicine has discussed the treatment of male sexual health. There’s a number of causes, but we find that Chinese Medicine can correct and improve many of them

  • Prostate Health

    Prostate Health

    Acute or chronic prostatitis can be treated with Chinese medicine, or in concert with your western medication. Afterward, we’ll work to reduce that BPH so you can rest at night.

  • Fertility


    While it’s usually women who seek us for fertility treatments, we prefer to treat couples for fertility. We’ll use all our tools, plus diet to help improve sperm count, motility and morphology.

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Learn more about how we treat men's health in Chinese Medicine

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Whether it’s your first step to a healthier life or your last resort, Chinese medicine gives you the power to make positive change.