• Little Fishes

    In Chinese Medicine, kids have their specific energetic concerns, so we don’t treat children like simply “mini-adults.” We support them in a way that honors their unique constitutions.

    Our experienced team treats children with routine complaints such as cough, allergies, fever, asthma, eczema, constipation, and even complex neurological and immune disorders.

    Nearly 1 in 3 children diagnosed with allergies, asthma, ADHD, and autism; Too many children fall between the cracks of what Western medicine can offer.

  • Herbs


    Based on years of helping kids, as well as being a mom, Cara Frank has even created a line of pediatric formulas called “Little Fish Formulas” to address some of the most common complaints experienced by children. Safe, tested; we’ve got formulas for ear infections, fevers, stuffy noses, coughs and more!

  • Acupuncture, or not!

    Acupuncture, or not!

    Guess what? Kids LOVE acupuncture! So many of our younger patients ask their parents to come in for a treatment. But, no worries- we don’t need needles to treat little kids effectively. Smaller children are so responsive that we use Japanese non-needle tools, cupping, and acupressure

  • Teens and Pre Teens

    Teens and Pre Teens

    The teenage years are extra complicated. Hormonal shifts, irregular periods, acne, anxiety, or depression as well as the stress of being bullied, all respond well to acupuncture and herbs.

Articles from the blog

Learn more about how we our pediatric patients in Chinese Medicine

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Whether it’s your first step to a healthier life or your last resort, Chinese medicine gives you the power to make positive change.